PART 2: Symantec エンクリプション・デスクトップHDDをリカバーする
既に インストール ができた . 次は public キー と secret キー インポートする 。
セットアップ アシスタント というウィザード の 窓の 左側 を見たら、ユーザータイプ と言う 部分 がある 。
そこでニューユーザーじゃなくて、 existing keys を選んだ 。プロンプト の流れ で .pkr と .skr ファイルのフォルダー を選んだ。
そして彼女の古いハードドライブ を S ATA ケーブル で 繋いだから 「enter passphrase to access disk」っていうメッセージが出た。 私は視線をそらしながら 彼女がパスワードを入れてそのHDのホールダが段々出てきた!! 🙌
English post at Symantec Connect Forums:
This community for the most part already knows that Symantec PGP Desktop was replaced by Symantec Encryption Desktop, but to someone encountering this software for the first time, this is not obvious. Clicking a Symantec Trialware link, the very next page is a registration form, and then a download for Symantec Endpoint Encryption TW. So as a layperson, I assume that the old PGP product name was changed to SEE, click "download," and struggle to install the thing. After finally installing .NET, the dependent SEE Mgr and MSI, then the Client in serverless mode, I hit a brick wall. Going back to the forums it was dawning that NONE of the 3 packages I'd downloaded was the right one. Another commenter had posted the correct link and I finally downloaded the SED trialware but it wouldn't execute, and so I posted the previous questions.
English post at Symantec Connect Forums:
This community for the most part already knows that Symantec PGP Desktop was replaced by Symantec Encryption Desktop, but to someone encountering this software for the first time, this is not obvious. Clicking a Symantec Trialware link, the very next page is a registration form, and then a download for Symantec Endpoint Encryption TW. So as a layperson, I assume that the old PGP product name was changed to SEE, click "download," and struggle to install the thing. After finally installing .NET, the dependent SEE Mgr and MSI, then the Client in serverless mode, I hit a brick wall. Going back to the forums it was dawning that NONE of the 3 packages I'd downloaded was the right one. Another commenter had posted the correct link and I finally downloaded the SED trialware but it wouldn't execute, and so I posted the previous questions.
Meantime I started looking into other workarounds, wondering, "Is Symantec PGP Desktop proprietary encryption? Or, as long as I have the keys and passphrase, can I use any software on any platform to decrypt?" I read the Wikipedia entry on PGP and confirmed I'd gotten the software names confused (easy to do!)
I did another Google search regarding the SED installer which would not open: I think the registry might have been corrupted by the brute uninstall of the SEE Client, so I tried 64-bit on a different laptop and it opened and installed fine!
Then there was the problem of the license key...
At first, like these commentors, I thought there was no way to activate using the product key I received in my trial email.
The "thank you for trying SEE (confusing wrong product name again)" email sends a temporary product key that is too long to fit in the allotted spaces. A video instructionn said to paste the whole thing, but I was on a separate machine from my email, so I just typed. But it worked -- just cut the key in half and copy the latter half of digits only. (They email you a 12-segmented license key, but only use the last 6 segments.)
Then there was the problem of the license key...
At first, like these commentors, I thought there was no way to activate using the product key I received in my trial email.
The "thank you for trying SEE (confusing wrong product name again)" email sends a temporary product key that is too long to fit in the allotted spaces. A video instructionn said to paste the whole thing, but I was on a separate machine from my email, so I just typed. But it worked -- just cut the key in half and copy the latter half of digits only. (They email you a 12-segmented license key, but only use the last 6 segments.)
After installing and licensing, in the User Type section don't select New User. Rather, select Existing Key option. Then follow the prompts to browse to the directory containing your original .pkr and .skr files. We plugged in the old HD with a SATA USB cable and a pop-up appeared "Enter passphrase". So we were able to recover all her data.
(In case anyone else comes across this same situation -- that is, having keys and passphrase but cannot get an old copy of PGP Desktop or a working trial copy of SED -- try looking into other software, such as GPG Suite (Mac) or GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG, Linux) for recovery. See this discussion:
and this (Import key, no graphical interface though)
Maybe even try to import the key into the old PGP Desktop for Windows? **I cannot vouch for this site bc I haven't tried it!**
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could comment on this 'decrypt by importing keys into other software' option.)
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